Pure Rhythm is delighted to be back following the Covid safe Government Guidelines. Classes will be smaller, different entrances and exits , plenty of Hand sanitizing , floors cleaned between Bubbles and 2m+ square to dance in. Many months have been spent reading how safely to run again and taking advice so we can keep all students and staff healthy and happy. Sadly for now singing can not take place. We are in new premises for now which are lovely and well ventilated, we look forward to welcoming everyone back.
During lock Down we did our best to keep the Pure Rhythm students spirits lifted and gave them tasks from re create a musical poster to a musical Theatre quiz. At the start of lock Down everyone received a sunflower seed in the hope that by the time it bloomed we would be back. There were some amazing results. We were very lucky to have professional West End performers take Zoom classes weekly and Charlie Jade offered singing so we kept our training going as much as possible going .